
Friday, May 27, 2011

Frugal Friday

Every Friday, I like to share my free or frugal finds (trying saying that three times fast). Here is this week's offering:

When we moved into this house 14 years ago, kitchen cabinets flanked the window. I hated them. They were old and made the already-small room dark and cave-like. When we eventually replaced the cabinets, I decided to buy only the lowers, and used open shelving instead of upper cabinets. It made the space a lot nicer.

Face-forward two summers ago. With the kitchen painted a burnt orange, a french country/cottage theme started evolving and the shelves seemed out of place. I believe that rooms will tell you what they want if you listen closely. That's what happened here: before long artwork, mirrors and items not typically found in kitchens found their way into mine. The walls beside the window screamed for something different.

I found these shutters on the side of the road. At the time, I'd intended them for the front of the house but they were too small. Surprisingly, they fit the kitchen windows perfectly. After a good cleaning and a coat of paint from my teen-ager, we were good to go.

Did I say perfect fit? As you can see, they're off by a touch, but I can live with it. Free is free (happy face). I can't tell you how easy they were to put up. Honestly, it took me longer to snap the pics and upload to this blog than to hang the shutters. (another happy face).

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What is your home saying?

 It happened quite innocently.....

SUCCESS is measured not so much by the position that one has reached as by the obstacles that have been overcome

I was pondering what should be my first post when I looked up and read the frame over my laptop.  Then I read the frame above and to the left of that one.....
GOALS...Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals
......and the frame above and to the right of that one....
Believe that Love is forever and forever you will be in Love
Hmmm. Let's peak at the rest of my office, shall we?
Mom of many hats
Dream about tomorrow but live for today
Wall hanging: Follow your heart. Embrace your dreams. Cherish your life

Tile: A mother gives her child two things- roots and wings
Pillow: Peace.Wisdom.Joy

I'm a big believer that our homes say alot about who we are, how we view the world and what we believe. I know you feel the same or you wouldn't spend hours  time drooling over  reviewing decorating blogs. I can see we're alot alike (wink,wink).

 When I realized that my office spoke volumes about how I feel about love and the people I love, I took a lil tour of the house and lookie what else I found (disclaimer: yes, I'm aware that I sound as if I didn't in fact purchase said items, but work with me- I'll be arriving at a point shortly....)

Here's my aforementioned point: I didn't wake up one day and decide to purchase sayings for (nearly) all of the walls in my home. As I've been out and about these (and other) signs called out to me because they reflect the things that are so very near and dear to me. I couldn't walk away from them; I had to bring them home.

For example, I found that "Love Begins at Home" sign above my dining room window at Cato's. It cost a whopping $5.00, marked down from $7.99, and was $3 bucks that day only. I had two dollars to my name,  and I literally sat my purse on the floor so I could comb the bottom for loose change. I thought I was going to have to resort to hiding it until I could run home and hit my 10 year up for a loan, but the change fairies were moving that day. Plus, my teen-ager hates when I hide loot so I try not to do that anymore (when she's around...) 

 Anyhoo, I'm usually a calm, cool and collected shopping machine, but I about lost it that day becuz that frame said EXACTLY  what I would say if I were a picture. I know you understand.

I've been stalking reading AMAZING decorating blogs for a while now and I'm excited to finally jump into the DIY pool. Thanks for your patience with some of the technical glitches in this post. Blogger and I are off to a good start and I expect it will only get better.